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TPVIA代轉發:「經濟部“選擇美國投資論壇”(SelectUSA Investment Summit)」



美國商務部國際貿易署將於2013年的1031日至111於華府DCMarriott Wardman Park Hotel舉行 “選擇美國投資論壇”(SelectUSA Investment Summit)

經濟部與美國在台協會(AIT)合作,規劃以組團方式出訪美國,將由投資業務處長帶團,除出席「選擇美國投資論壇」活動外,另視廠商案需求安排參訪美國投資環境行程。相關資訊如附件,請卓參。報名費用: 美金395元,經濟部投資業務處將請泛歐旅行社洽各報名者協助購買機票及預訂住宿飯店事宜(報名者亦可自訂機票及預訂住宿飯店),報名截止時間為102930日,名額有限,請及早報名。




黃小玲 小姐



Best Regards,


Taiwan Photovoltaic Industry Association



2013 選擇美國 投資論壇 USA Investment Summit10/31-11/1

September 3rd, 2013 | Categories: 2013

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2013 選擇美國 投資論壇 USA Investment Summit


為提供台灣企業直接與美國各州、城市及地區經濟發展組織面對面溝通機會,並提供各州投資優惠與合作訊息,美國在台協會AIT邀請有興趣投資美國之廠商參加於本(2013)1031日至111日在美國華府舉辦之「選擇美國投資論壇 USA Investment Summit」,論壇詳細議程如下列。


Thursday, October 31

Start Time

End Time

Event Description

7:30 AM

5:00 PM

Registration desk open

8:00 AM

5:00 PM

Matchmaking facilities available

8:45 AM

10:30 AM

Morning Plenary Sessionl  Welcome Remarks/USA is Open for Business

l  Why Choose the USA?

10:30 AM

11:30 AM

Exhibition floor and networking timel  Private Sector Service Providers in the United States

11:30 AM

12:30 PM

Breakout Session #1l  Why invest in the United States: an in-depth discussion of U.S. economic, demographic, and industry trends

l  Advanced Manufacturing

l  Building your Supply Chain

l  Health, Safety, and Environmental Regulations in the United States

12:30 PM

2:00 PM

Afternoon Plenary Sessionl  The Commerce Department in a Global Economy

2:00 PM

3:00 PM

Exhibition floor and networking timel  Soft Landing in the USA: Innovation, Research and Development

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

Breakout Session #2l  Opportunities for Reshoring

l  Energy

l  Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure

l  Understanding U.S. Investment Policy and Export Controls

4:00 PM

5:00 PM

Exhibition floor and networking time



Friday, November 1

Start Time

End Time

Event Description

7:30 AM

5:00 PM

Registration desk open

8:00 AM

5:00 PM

Matchmaking facilities available

8:45 AM

10:30 AM

Morning Plenary Sessionl Opening Day Two

l Deepening Economic Alliances Around the World

10:30 AM

11:30 AM

Exhibition floor and networking timeDemystifying the U.S. Market

11:30 AM

12:30 PM

BreakoutSession #3l Energy-Intensive Industry and Energy Resurgence

l Technology and Services

l Exploring Capital Availability in the United States

l Business-related visa issues and cross-border movement

12:30 PM

2:10 PM

Afternoon Plenary Sessionl Perspectives on Business Success in the United States

l Closing Remarks/Thank you

2:10 PM

3:00 PM

Exhibition floor and networking timel Investment in Your Community: Best Practices and Next Steps

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

Breakout session #4l FTAs Now and in the Future: Leveraging TPP and TTIP as Your Export Platform

l Anchor-Driven Cluster Development

l Promoting and Safeguarding InnovationIP Protection and the Rule of Law in the U.S.

l U.S. Tax Structure

4:00 PM

5:00 PM

Exhibition floor and networking time



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